Monday, September 29, 2008

Prayer Warriors....update (again! and again!)

Check out this and this to see previous posts.... they prayers are working..... please continue....

Sam was less swollen today and they pulled the ventilator tonight and he is breathing on his own, although he is not quite awake yet. They have not tested for any reflexes yet but probably will tomorrow. Thank you all for your continuing prayers- we were told today that this journey will be a long one- at least a few weeks to a few months.

More news on Sam came in - THANKS for praying!! It is so working!!

Great news this morning! Sam is off the vent, breathing on his own, woke up, recognized his parents and Aunt Mary and said his throat hurts! J We are hopeful that he continues to recover! I know it is all your prayers- THANK YOU!

Thank you everyone for your prayers. They are working, keep it up!!

More news from Sam's family...

Sam is healing better than even the physician's expectations! He is communicative and speaking well. They just pulled his catheter and when they did he yelled out "Son of a B*&@*!". The doctor looked at Russ and said, "Well, I guess he won't need any speech therapy!!"

He is going to get moved out of the PICU tomorrow into a 1/2 way room. They are moving him into a chair as soon as he wakes up to begin assessing him. He is down to one IV and he is passing gas!

Thanks be to the Lord and to all of my friends for your prayer support!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are on a blog roll. good for you.