Sunday, September 7, 2008

A light at the end of the tunnel....

YEAH - we have a closing date.... now of course this could change by a day or two -- but we are set to close on the house on October 20th!! Ahhh.... what a nice thought.... just about 6 more weeks..... I can hardly wait.... and yet so many things I want to get done before we move in! I am pretty good at procrastinating unless I have a time line and then - I can focus better.... so this is so good!!

Colby and Dean went to the PGA golf tournament today here in St. Louis. This was Colby's first time and he loved it... as a matter of fact - since they have been home - all they have done is watch it on TV since of course it was recorded today as well..... I mean being there isn't enough.... but it was pretty funny because we did see Colby on TV at one part... he thought that was pretty cool.

1 comment:

Jen P said...

I am following your blog everyday and would really enjoy daily updates.