Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well it is storming here in St. Louis BIG TIME!! But this did cool things off quite a bit.... yesterday and today it was super hot - heat index at like 115!! So as the rain is coming down... so is the temp - we are at about 78 right now!! Much better!!

It was a pretty exciting day for the kids.... they found out who their teachers are for the new school year. Since Colby and Camryn will be going to a new school...we didn't really know what teacher we would like... they just wanted to make sure they had a friend in their class.... and we are glad to say they do!! Yeah! Colby has a couple and right now we know of one for Camryn... couldn't ask for more!

So I think I am going to go chill out and watch a little TV.... but I must share a few new pictures.... even though its so hot.... they did work for a little while today and actually got a lot done! Here is what it looked like last Tuesday and here is what it looks like today!

A view from the front...

A view from the back, only one more exterior 2nd floor wall to be put up....

A new window in Camryn's room...

Starting to frame the inside walls on the 2nd floor...

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