Saturday, April 25, 2009


This has been quite a week - and its not even over!!


Monday... Colby had a baseball game.... we lost but it was a really good game

Tuesday... Camryn had dance... and Colby had another baseball game.... it was a GREAT game and they won -- Colby pitched 3 innings, had 5 out of 9 strike outs and had a pop fly catch for an out too!! In the last inning Colby had a pop fly and made a double play with Mike O. at 2nd base!! I still haven't taken any new baseball pics... but I will get on that soon! (because remember this is a busy week and its not over yet!)

Wednesday... Colby had Goalie Training and Camryn hung out with her buddy Elsen

Thursday... Colby had yet another soccer game... the boys won 2 to 1, which was great because this team was ranked #1

Friday... Colby song the National Anthem at Busch Stadium with Geggie Elementary's Special Chorus... It was a great game against the Cubs... and CARDINALS WON!!!! Camryn left the game with her friend Kennedy and spent the night there.

Camryn, Kennedy and Zoe... after the game was over, the firework's were shot, the crowd cheering.... Camryn and Kennedy asked me if the Cards won!??! Seriously!! lol

The choir on the Jumbo Tron...

This picture is zoomed in - Can you find Colby? He has on a white shirt and black pants - oh wait so does everyone else!! He is on the left hand side of the picture in front of the lady with the red Cards shirt...

Here is the choir - using my biggest zoom lens from our seats.... pretty high up!! But hey its all good!!

... Colby had another soccer game this morning - it was a great game even though they lost 4 to 3 - And I did get some good pics at this game! Also got to have lunch with Colby - love to get that one on one time with him... doesn't happen often!

Where's Dean you ask?? Well - did I mention it is 90 and BEAUTIFUL -- so I'll give a big Whoo Hoo to whoever can guess where he is first!!! lol!

Check out this save!! Do you reaize how many pictures I take in the hopes that I get one of these on film!! (well not really film, but how do you say that... on card?)

Tonight Colby has an indoor game and is staying at the Whalen's house.... Camryn is also staying at her friend Kileigh's house, and she has her last indoor game in the morning! Dean and I are going on an adult scavenger hunt with the Peters, Kunkels and Holtzs, should be fun!! And we will finish off the week with another baseball game on Sunday night - told you it was a busy week!!!

Will update with the rest of our weekend events after the weekend if over!!! Never a dull moment!

1 comment:

Jean R. said...

Will I get the Whoo Hoo if I guess --GOLF!?